I would like to start this post off by thanking Jessica Pace and the Franklin Homepage for taking the time to feature my photography in their WillCo arts section! Here is the link to that if you missed the link on my Facebook. Copy and Paste the link up in the address bar!
For the past couple of weeks I've been really hitting the streets of Downtown Franklin, TN with my Mamiya RB67. Using mostly black and white Kodak Tri-X 400 speed film. I just love only getting 10 shots per roll of film to tell a story. I've also been developing and scanning all of my own stuff. Shooting a 6x7 negative makes it super easy to get a decent scan with my mediocre Canon Pixma scanner. I'm pretty lucky to be living in an area that is super excepting to me sticking a camera in most strangers faces! It's been a real learning experience shooting, developing and scanning my own stuff. Thankfully there is a ton of different YouTube tutorials on how to do all of those things because analog photography really is a dying art. So the above picture was shot on Ilford Delta 100 speed film using my Mamiya and it was a random street portrait but I forgot to advance the film from the previous shot of the local Methodist Church right on 5th and Main Street. Also the girl in the photo is Eva Holbrook who is the singer in the band Shel. You should take a second and give them a listen. Below I will post a couple of my analog favs from the past two weeks.
So linking with the shots above and the title of this post I'm just really into shooting lifestyle, street and documentary style photography lately. Something about carrying my dinosaur of a camera around (Mamiya RB67) loaded up with black and white film just gives me the courage to step in front of complete strangers and fire away. It also doesn't hurt that this camera is like something out of the Smithsonian "haha" which is automatically a conversation starter. You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard "look at that guy with the camera" since the U.S. Postal Service dropped it at my doorstep. I plan on continuing this process of spending the majority of my free time taking to the street to interact with strangers (or cowardly hide behind them) to get enough photographs to fill up a sort of lifestyles book about this great little town. I checked out the book making site Blurb for prices and layouts and they seem to be the winner for this project. I really want to almost keep it in the same line of a photo zine but I want to step up the production level. I just really like the options they offer and you can link right up to them for sale purposes. So I believe that's the route I am going to go. I hope to have everything ready for print by the beginning of the new year!
That brings me to the "A photo a day" project. I really need to limit myself to splurging all of my new shots on my social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. I tend to just give it all away every time I have a new set of photos. That is totally my fault cause I get so excited with each new batch of developed shots. So starting now I am going to just release one photo a day on this blog from here on out. I fully intend on using my moneys worth of this website cause I only use it once a month to vomit a months worth of work and to share my ever updating portfolio. So just keep a look out for that!
I wanted to finish this post off with a couple of the latest polaroids I've taken (Above). I just love all of the imperfections these photos have.
So that's it! I hope everyone has a great Christmas! If you happen to see me taking 15 laps around the Downtown Franklin area please feel free to stop me say hello!
Keep doing what you love!!!!