I did some exploring yesterday underneath the railroad tracks behind Pinkerton Park. I've been scouting out some different locations for a couple photo/video shoots I have coming up in the next few weeks. I came across this guy along with a ton of other awesome looking graffiti that I am either going to use for my next acoustic music series or I am also trying to put together a couple different looks for an editorial project I'm planning on starting in the next week or so.
I also picked up this book by photographer Todd Hildo.
I haven't finished reading through it yet but he does a really good job of explaining his process and how he went about picking locations and then describes the story behind each one. He's got a very appealing style and he has a great way of explaining everything.
I also just got this book in the mail from Amazon this week. It's Ansel Adams book on the print. I've gotten to the point with my photography that I am ready to start the print making process. I've only flipped through this one but this guy is an absolute legend in the photography world so I believe this is going to open a whole new world up for me!
Considering I'm at work right now I should probably wrap this up :) so have a great night and I will see you all tomorrow!