Today I bring you Mr. Leo Moucha! I was lucky enough to catch him at Starbucks when I went to grab my morning coffee. I feel that I captured Leo's personality perfectly here! Thank you Leo!!
Early this morning in the wee hours I had the urge to process two rolls of Kodak Tri-X that I had sitting on the desk waiting for development. I knew the first roll was going to have some great shots on it but I was't expecting to hit all ten frames. This was the first time since I started shooting and developing my own work that I was happy with every single photograph. Huge learning experience due to the fact that I really slowed down my shooting process and took my time with each frame not rushing and missing focus or just shooting to kill the roll. Using the Mamiya RB67 isn't the easiest walking around camera but I just love the look of the photographs it produces.
dO IS (STOP) - 1/5/15
Multi-Task - 1/6/15
Cross Walk - 1/5/15
The second roll I developed was from way back in October when I had the chance to photograph Betsy and Ryan Dempsy's wedding day! This was the first time I got to process pushed film. Yet again another awesome learning experience! I still have two more rolls of color Kodak Portra 400 to send out to get developed from the wedding day and this has given me the push to send those out this week!
Wedding Flowers - 10/11/14
Betsy & Ryan - 10/11/14
Church - 10/11/14
I'd say that about wraps up todays POTD! It's absolutely freezing outside! I believe I will be staying in and focusing on developing and editing for the next two have a great day and I will see you tomorrow!