Yesterday the timothy.makeups Facebook page got its 100th like! Which is just so awesome! It's amazing how far this has all come in the span of a year. I just want to thank everyone for all the kind words and the support! Above and below are three shots I got this week at Diamond Carter's practice space. Take a minute to check out their website at
Okay so I had the chance to take a couple pictures of the Ice Water Challenge that McCreary's Pub in Downtown Franklin kicked off this week for Neurofibromatosis. Check out the full story that the Williamson Source covered. [
I saved the best for last...I had the honor of capturing a good friend of mine's family portrait. Ryan Toll singer song writer for the band Tumbleweed Company had asked me a while ago to surprise his parents when they came to visit with an updated family portrait. They were trying to stay away from the super cheese Sears style portrait that they have done in the past. I was more than willing to do that for them because his mom is one of my biggest supporters on Facebook and Ryan is one of the coolest guys I know! So below are a few of the shots we got that day walking around Downtown Franklin.
So that's it for this post...It has been way to long since I've updated this blog! I am going to be holding a small contest in the next week or two for an artist to design a workable logo for my photography site! So keep a look out for that! Until next time keep doing what you love!!!